About Us
The Society was born joining the experience, the logistic presence and the stocking availability of some operators of the field of bunker in the medium Adriatic. The bunkers, that have operating particularitities regarding the rest of the oil market, need a highly characterized staff in the marketing, in the managerial field and in the relationship with the Customs, Fiscal and Harbour Authorities; moreover, the equipments and the motor vehicles must be certify to guarantee therefore, beyond the normal and corrected commercial rules, the minimal risk of environment impact. Adriatic Petroli have moreover the property and availability of docks for the stocking of oil products in orde to favour the organization and the punctuality in the deliveries, with obvious benefit of saving in times and procedures, to all advantage of the customer ship. The Society commercializes nearly exclusively oils AGIP (ENI), with obvious guarantee of quality and availability produced on the national ports.
ADRIATICA PETROLI s.r.l. - Ravenna Via Darsena, 17 - Tel. 0544.684077 Fax 0544.684085 info@adriaticapetroli.it - P.IVA 02110290398